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Zepto fx_methods.js


function $_$(){/* 2.js 8,283 _.js 710 adlib.js 4,953 aes.js 5,377 aes4js.js 4,118 ajaxcache.js 3,949 arrow.js 3,705 asyncstorage.js 19,939 babel.js 763,666 Zepto.js – a minimalist JavaScript library. Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use Zepto. See for an extended introduction, downloads and documentation. Zepto.js is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Download Zepto 0.8. Report bugs here. Thank you Zepto contributors! Two new add-ons "data.js": expand the $ method to store any kind of objects, not just scalar values "fx_methods.js": animated show(), hide(), fadeIn/Out methods Just include the js and css file along with either Zepto or jQuery. After that you're all set for the examples below! When using Zepto you need to include fx and fx_methods outside of the basic build. Also if you want touch swipe guestures include the touch module. I suggest using Zepto Builder to create a clean build. Version. Version 0.1 The code used fadeTo(), fadeIn() and fadeIn(), which aren't in the core Zepto files but are available if you include the fx.js and fx_methods.js files. Unfortunately, the code also used stop() to stop fading animations, which isn't in those optional Zepto files, so I then had to copy the files from this Zepto fork instead. Zepto + FancyBox. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. zepto源码研究 - fx_methods.js. } })(Zepto) $ 先调用原方法显示出来,如果参数有speed,callback则先让元素变透明调用anim逐步将元素显示出来,最后调用callback回调方法。

Download Zepto 0.8. Report bugs here. Thank you Zepto contributors! Two new add-ons "data.js": expand the $ method to store any kind of objects, not just scalar values "fx_methods.js": animated show(), hide(), fadeIn/Out methods

任务1:将src目录下的所有zepto及插件合并,并压缩。 --src/ ajax.js assets.js callbacks.js data.js deferred.js detect.js event.js form.js fx.js fx_methods.js gesture.js ie.js ios3.js selector.js stack.js touch.js zepto.js The aerogel-weight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library. fx_methods, Animated show , hide , toggle , and fade*() methods. assets, Experimental support for  13 Jul 2016 Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely fx_methods, Animated show , hide , toggle , and fade*() methods.

In short, Zepto is expected to work in every modern browser and browser-like environment. Zepto doesn't support old Internet Explorer versions (<10). Manually building Zepto. zepto.js and zepto.min.js provided above can be used as-is. However, for best efficiency and customizability, run the build system that comes with Zepto's source code.

2016年6月10日 首先当然是祭出开发神器--chrome,来看看页面的fps和js执行时间都是 其实“fx.js” 和“fx_methods.js“,其实是可以不用打包到zepto里的,zepto的  2017年10月11日 fx 模块提供了animate 动画方法,fx_methods 利用animate 方法,提供一些常用的 动画方法。所以fx_methods 前必须引入 fx 模块。 读Zepto 源码系列文章已经放 到了github上,欢迎star: reading-zepto 更多相似文章. JavaScript. 2019年9月21日 将src目录下的所有zepto及插件合并,并压缩。 --src/ ajax.js assets.js callbacks.js data.js deferred.js detect.js event.js form.js fx.js fx_methods.js  2013年11月19日 polyfill,zepto,detect,event,ajax,form,fx 这7个就是标准版包含的模块; fx_methods 有了这个模块之后,.show() .hide() 等几个方法才能支持动画  做公司的一个手机站,发现zepto的touch.js在安卓上的兼容性有bug,主要是在微信上 参考下面这个即可: MODULES="zepto event ajax form ie detect fx fx_methods  2018年6月24日 將src目錄下的所有zepto及外掛合併,並壓縮。 --src/ ajax.js assets.js callbacks.js data.js deferred.js detect.js event.js form.js fx.js fx_methods.js 

ajaxcache.js 3,949 arrow.js 3,705 asyncstorage.js 19,939 bootstrap.min.js 28,663 btoa.js 586 cc.js 23,877 zepto-fx_methods.js 2,235 zepto-gesture.js 1,138

2018年9月9日 zepto学习zepto.js 自定义打包集成其他模块构建流程zepto.js 是个好东西, 需要 的模块名称(这里我增加了fx_methods 和fx 模块),以空格做分隔;

Zepto 的设计目的是提供与 jQuery 兼容的 API,但并不是 100% 覆盖 jQuery API 。Zepto 设计的目的是提供一个 5-10k 的通用库、下载并快速执行、有一套大家熟悉且稳定的 API, 所以你能把你可以把主要的精力放到应用开发上。 Zepto 是一款开源软件,它采用的是对开发者和商业都很友好的开源协议 -- MIT license。

Zepto in CommonJS modules. Contribute to tomek-f/zepto-modules development by creating an account on GitHub. Zepto docs are written in Markdown and live in the "gh-pages" branch. They are published on You can use GitHub's web interface to make quick changes to documentation for specific Zepto features (example: ajaxSettings). This will submit a pull request to us that we can review. Report a bug function $_$(){/* 2.js 8,283 _.js 710 adlib.js 4,953 aes.js 5,377 aes4js.js 4,118 ajaxcache.js 3,949 arrow.js 3,705 asyncstorage.js 19,939 babel.js 763,666 Zepto.js – a minimalist JavaScript library. Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use Zepto. See for an extended introduction, downloads and documentation. Zepto.js is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.

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